Put The Latest Technology to Work for You
By measuring critical soil and topographic characteristics we can help producers find profitability in their fields. We offer several different measurements that can be mapped for growers. Through mapping the slope, curvature, organic matter, soil pH, soil electrical conductivity and more, we provide data to help producers harness the yield potential of their crops and make informed management decisions. We can clean up old maps, store applied maps, and yield maps to use different variables to drive yield and preserve resources.
Mapping Types
Organic Matter
This layer measures the evidence of previous productivity and potential for future yields. This information can be key to guiding future input decisions.
Multi-Depth Texture
This proven method of mapping soil texture is a major driver of water holding capacity, drainage, topsoil depth and nutrient use, loss, and storage. Mapping soil electrical conductivity at several depths provides insights throughout the rooting zone. We can also provide maps for Multi-Depth Texture ratio.
Soil pH
Soil pH effects nutrient use, crop growth and herbicide activity. Soil pH can vary significantly in fields so we use dense sampling and on-the-go soil sensing.
Additional Layers
We provide an enhanced view of how soil and field properties like curvature, slope and water flow present unique yield environments. Contact us for additional data layers that can be applied for your land.